The Story of Chi

Background image: A person in the bottom left of the image holds their hands up touching the face of a dragon coming from the bottom right. The dragon is purple, with red parts coming from it's neck, blue scales around it's mouth and orange eyelids. This two are in front of a orangey/yellow backdrop.
By Terrapin and Contemporary Asian Australian Performance Co-commissioned by Terrapin, Contemporary Asian Australian Performance and OzAsia

When and What

  • Now
  • Theatre


  • A young girl and a dragon navigate intergenerational tension and tradition in an Asian-Australian family
  • Premiering at OzAsia Festival, October 2024
  • A new collaboration with Contemporary Asian Australian Performance
  • Suitable for children 8+ and their families.


  • Employing more than 14 artists from across Australia
two people in a rehearsal room with wooden floors and chairs stacked in the background stand, one wearing a dragon costume made from cardboard, the other holding their phone to their ear
Emma Skalicky


The Story of Chi is a new work of magic realism that follows the journey of a young girl and a teenage dragon. Chi, caught between her Japanese and Vietnamese heritage, finds herself at a crossroads during an unexpectedly turbulent time for her family.

Torn between cultures and traditions, Chi’s world takes a fantastical turn when she meets Mizu, a risk-taking teenage dragon who has been separated from his family.


  • Presenting partners
  • Supported by
  • Development partner