Christmas at the Crocoseum

Background image: The Myer Melbourne Mural hall has been turned into a room with a performance in the centre, there is a crocodile show, with fake green grass, a blue watery like area and a puppet crocodile. around the edges of the room is seating filled with patrons watching the performance happen.
Credit: Christmas at the Crocoseum, 2024. Myer Melbourne Mural Hall
Commissioned by MYER

When and What

  • Now
  • Commission


  • Inspired by the Australia Zoo's Wildlife Warriors Show, the Melbourne Myer Mural Hall came alive with wildlife!
  • We ran daily performances from mid-November up until Christmas Eve 2024.
  • An all-ages performance designed for curious kids and lifelong wildlife enthusiasts.


  • An exciting and educational experience that highlighted conservation and respect for wildlife.


Experience Christmas at the Crocoseum! 🐊

Two wildlife warriors are on a mission to uncover the secrets of one of nature's most awe-inspiring predators: the crocodile.