Scaredy Cat

Background image: Graphic of cat flying through the sky
By Finn O’Branagáin

When and What

  • Now
  • Theatre


  • A feisty feline fantasia for all ages
  • A flexible touring theatre work
  • Non-verbal storytelling makes Scaredy Cat ideal for younger audiences, relaxed performances and diverse language groups


  • Seen by over 20,000 children in Tasmania and NSW
  • Our 2021 tour reached more than 4,000 Tasmanian students in remote, regional or disadvantaged schools
There is an orange tabby cat poking out the top of a yellow and grey cat carrier, on the side of the carrier says 'KILLER CAT' but this puppet cat doesn't look scary at all.
Peter Mathew


Scaredy Cat comes from a long line of fierce hunters, hired for the biggest jobs, with the meanest rodents. When an urgent call comes in, it’s Scaredy’s turn to do the family proud.

Only problem is, she’s terrified of mice.

Pullout quote

The show gently looks at the experience of anxiety, and how supportive friends and community can help a young person overcome their fears. But mostly it’s a lot of fun.
– Sam Routledge
Graphic of cat flying through the sky

Interested in Scaredy Cat?

  • Three fluffy puppet mice sit on a washing line, we see another washing line in the background, fabric is draped over the lines
    Peter Mathew
  • Under stage lights we see an ironing board with orange legs and a pink top, surrounding the ironing table we see three puppeteers in grey boiler suits, holding an orange tabby cat puppet and a mirror which has the face of a mouse taped to it. the surrounding background is dark blue and grey and we're hardly able to make out anything, except a chair and what looks to be stairs
    Cassandra Hannagan


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