Shadow Play

Background image: A young person holds up a wooden handle, attached to the handle are six seperate shadow people made from what looks to be cardboard boxes. these people will create shadows and stories with a projector
Credit: Rebecca Thompson
Teamwork, imagination and a ripping good show.

When and What

  • Now
  • Incursion


  • A full-day making and performance workshop for Year 3/4 students
  • Delivered in classrooms by Terrapin artists
a group of children hold up shadow puppets to a screen
Rebecca Thompson


Shadow Play is a full-day classroom workshop led by experienced Terrapin artists, where students write, design and perform their own shadow puppetry play.

Students experience a taste of all the key ingredients in putting on a show: story, character, design and construction, direction, sound effects and performance - not to mention an appreciative audience.

Pullout quote

Its hands-on and creative aspects are so valuable. It can allow students to experience success and belonging, both of which can be lacking in some students' experience of regular classroom time.
– Tasmanian teacher, 2021
A small child holds a cat like character, we look down over the childs shoulder and see the cat is made from random card board boxes, the head has a pattern of red and yellow whilst the body is all black.
Rebecca Thompson

Interested in Shadow Play


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