Supported by The Ian Potter Foundation
When and What
- A professional development program designed to initiate and foster careers in the performing arts in Tasmania
- Includes three key streams: attachments, masterclasses and stewardship
- 100 Tasmanian participants in 2023-24
- Delivered focused masterclasses in directing for puppetry, stage management, puppetry design and construction, and a one-day festival producing symposium

Stride is an ambitious new professional development program to initiate and foster long-term careers for Tasmanians in the performing arts.
Over three years Terrapin will provide employment and upskilling for up to 120 early and mid-career creative professionals, building capacity for individuals, organisations and the sector overall. We’re providing long-term support for participants, connecting them to paid opportunities with Terrapin and other performing arts organisations.

Interested in Stride?
Makers in the Terrapin workshop, 2022. Image: Peter Mathew Makers in the Terrapin workshop, 2024. Image:Hannah Todd Makers in the Terrapin workshop, 2023. Image: Peter Mathew